Immigration Changes 2024

UK Immigration Changes in 2024: What You Need to Know

As we step into the year 2024, the United Kingdom’s immigration landscape has already witnessed significant transformations. Driven by the government’s overarching goal of reducing net migration, these changes hold profound implications for individuals, businesses, and families. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the key amendments made to the UK’s Immigration Rules in the early months of 2024.

Let’s delve into the key changes:

1. International Students and Dependents

International students in the UK will no longer be able to apply for Student Dependent visas for their partners and children. Previously, international students could bring their family members with them to the UK. However, starting from 1st of January 2024, this provision has been revoked. Exceptions apply only to postgraduate research courses and government-funded scholarships.

2. Sponsor Licences Extended to 10 Years

Sponsor licences expiring on or after 6th of April 2024 will be automatically extended for 10 years. Previously, sponsor licences lasted for only 4 years. This change aims to provide stability to employers who sponsor foreign workers. It reduces administrative burdens and ensures continuity in workforce planning.

3. Immigration Health Surcharge Increase

As of 06 February 2024, the immigration health surcharge has been increased. The Immigration Health Surcharge (HIS) rate for UK immigration applications has increased by 66% from £624 to £1035 per applicant. The discounted IHS rate for children, students, their dependents, and youth mobility workers also increased at the same time, from £470 per year to £776 per applicant.

4. Employers’ Civil Penalties for Illegal Working

As of 13 February 2024, the Home Office has announced an increase in the maximum civil penalty for employing an illegal worker:

  • For a first offence, the penalty per worker has increased from £15,000 to £45,000.
  • For repeat violations, the penalty per worker has increased from £20,000 to £60,000.

5. Care Workers and Dependents

From 11 March 2024, Care workers applying for UK immigration are no longer be permitted to bring their dependents with them. This shift in policy aims to streamline the immigration process and address concerns related to family reunification. In addition to this, Care homes must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to continue sponsoring care workers. This ensures quality standards and accountability.

6. Replacing the Shortage Occupation List

The shortage occupation list is going to be replaced with a new immigration salary list on 4th of April 2024. The government’s primary objective is to reduce net migration to the UK. The Shortage Occupation List, which previously facilitated the recruitment of overseas workers for specific occupations facing shortages, was often used to achieve salary savings on migrant labour. In a nutshell, the transition from Shortage Occupation List to Immigration Salary List emphasises fair compensation and contributes to a balanced immigration system.

7. Salary Threshold for Skilled Workers

Effective from 4th of April 2024, the minimum salary requirement for Skilled Worker visa applicants will rise significantly. The general threshold is escalating from £26,200 to £38,700. This change ensures that employers provide competitive compensation to migrant workers. Existing Skilled Worker visa holders in the UK are exempted from these salary changes. Their current salary arrangements remain unaffected. However, future applications, including visa extensions, role modifications, or sponsor changes, will be subjected to the updated changes.

8. Minimum Income Threshold for Spouse Visas

The minimum income threshold for spouse visas is set to increase on 11th of April 2024. British families aiming to reunite with their foreign national partners will encounter a stricter financial criterion when applying for the visas. Specifically:

  • The minimum income requirement will increase from £18,600 to £29,000.
  • This modification applies to sponsors of spouse/partner visas.

Top of Form

These changes collectively contribute to the government’s commitment to reduce net migration while ensuring a fair and sustainable immigration system. Remember, these updates are subject to further developments, so staying informed is crucial.

How can we help you?

Morgan Smith Immigration is an award-winning firm with over 20 years of expertise in UK Visa and immigration matters and provides top-notch legal services. If you have any enquiries or need assistance, contact us on 0203 959 3335 or send us an email at [email protected]. Stay informed and up to date by following us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Also, don’t forget to subscribe our channel on YouTube.

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