
£38,700 Family Visa Salary Increase Paused by Home Secretary Until MAC Review Finishes

In a significant policy shift, the UK Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, has announced the suspension of the proposed increase in the family visa salary threshold. The threshold, which was set to rise from £29,000 to £38,700, will remain unchanged until a comprehensive review by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) is completed. This decision marks a departure from the previous government’s approach and signals a more balanced consideration of family life and economic wellbeing.

Background and Decision

The proposed increase was initially announced by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in December 2023. The Conservative government had planned to raise the minimum salary required for British nationals to sponsor long-term Family Visas for spouses from £18,600 to £29,000, with a further increase to £38,700. This policy aimed to align with the Skilled Worker Visa route’s minimum income requirement and reduce immigration figures by making it more challenging for individuals earning below the new threshold to bring their foreign partners to the UK. However, with the change in administration, the new Home Secretary has decided to pause this increase and commission a review to assess its implications.  

Yvette Cooper emphasised the need for a thorough examination of the financial requirements in the Family Immigration Rules. She stated that the review would aim to strike a balance between respecting family life and ensuring the economic wellbeing of the UK. The MAC, an independent body that advises the government on migration issues, will conduct this review.

Labour’s Approach to Migration

The decision to pause the salary threshold increase aligns with Labour’s broader approach to migration policy. The new administration plans to link migration policy and visa controls to skills and labour market policies. By prioritising the development of local workforce skills, Labour aims to reduce the UK’s reliance on international recruitment and address domestic skills shortages.

Yvette Cooper criticised the previous Conservative government for its handling of migration issues. She pointed out that rising levels of legal migration were partly due to the failure to address skills shortages and other labour market challenges within the UK. By focusing on local workforce development, Labour hopes to create a more sustainable and balanced approach to migration.

Implications and Future Steps

The suspension of the salary threshold increase has significant implications for families seeking to reunite in the UK. The current threshold of £29,000 will remain in place, providing some relief to those who were concerned about the higher requirement. However, the outcome of the MAC review will ultimately determine the future of the family visa financial requirements.

The review will consider various factors, including the economic impact of the threshold increase and its effects on family life. It will also explore alternative approaches to managing migration and supporting the UK’s labour market. The findings of the review will inform the government’s future decisions on family visa policies.

The decision to pause the £38,700 family visa salary increase reflects a more balanced and thoughtful approach to migration policy. By commissioning a review and prioritising local workforce development, the new administration aims to address the complex challenges of migration while respecting family life. The outcome of the MAC review will be crucial in shaping the future of family visa policies in the UK.

How can we help you

Morgan Smith Immigration, an award-winning firm with over 20 years of expertise in UK Visa and Immigration, is here to assist you with all your visa and immigration needs. Morgan Smith Lawyers believe that the the decision to pause the £38,700 family visa salary increase reflects a more balanced and thoughtful approach to migration policy. By commissioning a review and prioritising local workforce development, the new administration aims to address the complex challenges of migration while respecting family life. The outcome of the MAC review will be crucial in shaping the future of family visa policies in the UK.

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