Start-up Visas

What is a Start-up Visa?

A Start-up Visa is a type of UK visa for individuals who are new entrepreneurs and want to establish a business in the UK for the first time. You do not need to be a graduate or have secured any initial funding. However, you will need to have an innovative, viable and scalable business idea which has been approved by an endorsing body.

How Long is the UK Start-up Visa valid for?

The UK Start-up Visa is valid for up to 2 years. You cannot extend this visa, but you may be able to switch to an Innovator Founder visa if you meet the requirements and want to continue your business in the UK

Who can apply as a dependent on a Start-up Visa?

You can apply for your partner and children under 18 to join you as dependents on a Start-up Visa. They will need to meet the eligibility and financial requirements and pay the relevant fees and healthcare surcharge.

What are the requirements for a UK Start Up Visa?

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must have been endorsed by an approved body that is either a UK higher education institution or a business organisation with a history of supporting UK entrepreneurs
  • You must have an innovative, viable and scalable business idea that is supported by your endorsing body
  • You must meet the English language requirement of at least level B2
  • You must be able to prove that you have enough personal savings to support yourself and your dependents during your stay
  • You must not have previously established a business in the UK, unless you were previously on a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa

What is the process to apply for a UK Start-Up visa?

The process to apply for a UK Start-up Visa is as follows:

  • Find an endorsing body that suits your business idea and sector, and contact them for an endorsement
  • If you are successful, you will receive an endorsement letter that is valid for 3 months
  • Apply online for the Start-up Visa within 3 months of receiving your endorsement letter
  • Pay the application fee and the immigration health surcharge
  • Provide your biometric information (fingerprints and photo) at a visa application centre
  • Provide the required documents, such as your passport, endorsement letter, proof of English language ability, and proof of funds
  • Wait for a decision on your visa application, which can take up to 3 weeks if you apply outside the UK, or 8 weeks if you apply inside the UK

How Much does it cost to apply for a UK Start Up Visa?

The cost to apply for a UK Start-up Visa depends on where you apply and how you apply. The application fee is £363 if you apply outside the UK, or £493 if you apply inside the UK. You will also need to pay £19.20 to have your biometric information taken. Additionally, you will need to pay the immigration health surcharge, which is £624 per year for each person applying. This means that for a 2-year visa, you will need to pay £1,248 for the health surcharge, plus the application fee and the biometric fee.

Get the best Immigration advice on successfully securing a Start-Up visa in the UK

Morgan Smith Immigration have successfully delivered Start Up UK Visa to several Clients. We review each case on an individual basis and tailor our immigration advice per case. Request a Call back by filling in the form below for quick assessment of your case.

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How Long does it take to apply for a UK Start-Up Visa?

The time it takes to apply for a UK Start-up Visa depends on several factors, such as the availability of the endorsing body, the completeness of your application, and the processing times of the UK Home Office. Generally, you should expect to spend at least a few weeks to obtain an endorsement, and then another 3 weeks to get a decision on your visa application if you apply outside the UK, or 8 weeks if you apply inside the UK. You should plan ahead and apply as early as possible to avoid any delays or complications.

What is the Endorsement Criteria for the Start-Up Visa?

The endorsement criteria for the Start-up Visa are set by the endorsing bodies, which are either UK higher education institutions or business organisations that have been approved by the UK Home Office. Each endorsing body may have its own specific criteria and process for endorsing applicants, but generally they will look for evidence that your business idea is innovative, viable and scalable.

What should a Start-up business plan include?

Your business idea should:

  • offer something new or significantly improve on existing products, services or processes
  • have the potential to generate revenue and employment in the UK
  • be able to grow and compete in domestic and international markets
  • be supported by a realistic and achievable business plan
  • be endorsed by an expert in the relevant field or sector

What are the fees for the UK Start-Up Visa?

The fees for the UK Start-up Visa are the same as the fees for applying for a UK Start-up Visa, as explained above. You will need to pay the application fee, the biometric fee, and the immigration health surcharge for yourself and any dependents. The total cost will depend on where you apply and how many people are applying with you.

How long is a UK Start-Up visa granted for?

A UK Start-up Visa is granted for up to 2 years. You cannot extend this visa, but you may be able to switch to an Innovator Founder visa if you meet the requirements and want to continue your business in the UK.

How can Morgan Smith Immigration help me get a Start-up Visa?

A UK Start-Up Visa is a sophisticated application as the main applicant requires and endorsement and make sure the business plan meets the essential requirements. Our Lawyers can simplify the complex procedure by providing tailored immigration advice to deliver a successful outcome of your Start-Up Visa.

How can Morgan Smith Immigration Help?

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