
The Evolution of UK Immigration: UK’s Transition to E-Visas in 2025

The United Kingdom is undergoing a significant transformation in its immigration system, shifting from traditional physical documents to a digital framework. This transition aims to enhance security, streamline processes, and provide greater convenience for travellers. At the heart of this evolution lies the eVisa, a digital record that replaces physical documents like biometric residence permits (BRPs) and cards (BRCs).

In this article, we delve into the details of the UK’s digital immigration system, exploring what eVisas are, their benefits, the transition process, and the importance of having a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account.

What Is an eVisa?

An eVisa represents a fundamental shift in how immigration status is documented. An eVisa serves as an online record of an individual’s immigration permission in the UK. It includes relevant conditions and details about their rights.

Most eVisas are digitally linked to the holder’s passport, ensuring a seamless experience during international travel. This means that travellers will not need to carry additional physical documents to prove their immigration status, although they must carry their current passport. This passport must be registered to their UKVI account, allowing border officials to easily verify their immigration status.

Benefits of eVisa

The benefits of eVisas include: 

  • eVisas significantly reduce the risk of fraud, loss, and tampering associated with physical documents. The digital format ensures greater security and authenticity.
  • Travellers can now prove their immigration status at UK borders using their eVisa. No longer do they need to carry physical documents; the eVisa is accessible online.
  • Third parties, such as employers or landlords, can verify an individual’s status electronically. Quick and reliable confirmation of immigration rights streamlines processes.
Having an online immigration status eliminates the worry of losing your BRP and simplifies proving your immigration status. By maintaining an updated UKVI account with your visa details, you ensure that changes to your passport, name, nationality, gender, and other personal information are accurately reflected. The evolution of the UK immigration system will be beneficial for everyone, streamlining the entire immigration process and making it faster and more efficient.
Raheel Sarwar

Transition to eVisa

The UK government is implementing a phased approach to replace physical documents with eVisas:

BRP Replacement:

BRP holders receive email invitations to create a UKVI account and access their eVisa. By summer 2024, this service will be available to all BRP holders.

Other Physical Documents:

Holders of passports with vignette visa stickers or ink stamps, as well as BRCs, can also create a UKVI account. The process is straightforward and free of cost.


Physical documents will still be required for travel until the end of 2024. By 2025, most interactions with the UK immigration system will be digital.

UKVI Account:

To fully embrace the digitalisation of the immigration system, individuals must create a UKVI account:

  • The UKVI account allows you to view and prove your immigration status.
  • It ensures a smooth transition to digital services.

As the UK transitions toward a digital immigration system, physical documents like biometric residence permits (BRPs) and cards (BRCs) are gradually being phased out. By the end of 2024, most BRPs will have expired, marking a significant milestone. By 2025, both new applicants and existing clients will rely entirely on eVisas, a secure and efficient digital alternative. 

How can we help you 

Morgan Smith Immigration, an award-winning firm with over 20 years of expertise in UK Visa and Immigration, is here to assist you with all your visa and immigration needs. In this era of AI, transitioning to a digital visa will significantly enhance connectivity for both organisations and individuals. Right to work checks will become much faster, eliminating the concerns of misplacing or applying for a replacement BRP card. Morgan Smith Lawyers strongly encourage all BRP holders to switch to the E-Visa system before the December 2024 deadline.

For any enquiries or assistance, please contact us at 0203 959 3335 or send an email to [email protected]. Stay informed and up to date by following us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Also, don’t forget to subscribe our channel on YouTube.

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