Changing Sponsor Licence Categories

What does it mean to Changing Sponsor Licence Category?

Sponsorship Licences have several categories divided further in many sub categories. An organisation can add multiple categories if they can satisfy individual requirements of sub categories. For e.g. a Skilled Worker Licence holder can add a Temporary Worker Licence if they plan to sponsor applicants under the Temporary Worker Licence category.

How can a business change Sponsor Licence category?

There are several methods of changing your Sponsor Licence categories. Contact one of our Lawyer who can assist you wither by adding the categories to your existing Licence or by submitting a fresh application for a new category or multiple categories

How much does it cost to Change Sponsorship Licence Categories?

Each application for a Sponsorship Licence will cost £536 per category if applied separately. Alternatively if your business is eligible then it is recommended to apply for the relevant categories with one application.

Can i switch my Sponsorship Licence category?

Sponsorship Licence categories cannot be switched but a separate application can be made for each additional categories the business plans to add.

Need help with changing categories of your Sponsor Licence?

Talk to Morgan Smith Immigration Lawyer who can provide you with seamless review and submission process for your company’s Sponsorship Licence. Request a call back by clicking on the link below and one of our expert Lawyer will be happy to discuss the case with you.

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How many categories can a Business apply for a Sponsorship Licence?

A business can apply for all relevant Sponsorship Licence categories they require. Each category has its own set of requirements that the business must meet. Talk to Morgan Smith Immigration Lawyers to discuss your options.

Do i have to cancel my Sponsor Licence to change Categories?

No, you can add or apply for a Sponsorship Licence category whenever the business decides to recruit applicants under a particular category. If the business does not require Sponsorship under a particular category they can surrender their licence.

If a Sponsor Licence Category application is rejected does that affect an already active Licence?

No, if you have met the Licence requirements once for a particular category then that category of Licence remains actively considering you are still Compliant.

How can Morgan Smith Lawyer help us change Sponsorship Licence Categories

Morgan Smith Lawyer have over 20+ years of Immigration advice experience and have assisted with several successful Sponsor Licence applications. Contact our team of experts to change your company Licence categories.

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