
Harsh New UK Family Visa Regulations: Families Devastated and Torn Apart

The UK government’s recent immigration rules have sent shockwaves through families, leaving many devastated and torn apart. Announced by Home Secretary James Cleverly in December 2023, these changes significantly impact those seeking to reunite with their loved ones in the UK.

The New Threshold: £29,000

Previously, the minimum income threshold for sponsoring a spouse under a family visa was £18,600. However, the new rules have raised this requirement to £29,000. For many families, this increase is insurmountable, effectively denying them the right to be together.

Savings Requirement: £88,500

To rely on your employment income, you must demonstrate an annual earning of at least £29,000. Unlike the previous rules, this requirement remains unchanged regardless of whether you have dependent children applying with you.

If you are relying solely on your cash savings, you need to show that you have a minimum of £88,500 in savings. This places an immense burden on families, especially during a time of economic uncertainty.

Families are the future of the ageing population in the UK. Without families the economic growth of the United Kingdom is guaranteed to suffer. Such unfair policies must be balanced in a similar proportion to household income.
Raheel Sarwar

A Glimmer of Hope for Larger Families

Amidst the heartache, there is a glimmer of good news. Families with more children no longer have to pay separately for each child, as they did under the previous rules. This change recognises the financial strain faced by larger families and aims to alleviate some of their hardships.

Number of ChildrenPrevious Income Threshold (£)New Income Threshold (£)
0 (Partner only)£18,600£29,000
1 in addition to spouse£22,400£29,000
2 in addition to spouse£24,800£29,000
3 in addition to spouse£27,200£29,000
4 or more in addition to spouse£29,000£29,000
Source: Home Office

The Government’s Intentions

Despite the public disagreement, the government remains steadfast in its intention to cut migration. Officials have hinted at further increases, with a potential future threshold of £38,700. Families are left grappling with the devastating consequences of these heartless regulations, wondering how they will survive this cruelty.

In conclusion, the new UK visa regulations have shattered lives and futures. Families are left in limbo, torn apart by bureaucratic decisions that fail to consider their humanity. Urgent action is needed to address this injustice and protect the fundamental right to family life.

How can we help you

Morgan Smith Immigration is an award-winning firm with over 20 years of expertise in UK Visa and immigration. If you have any enquiries or need assistance with your UK Family Visa, contact us on 0203 959 3335 or send us an email at [email protected]. Stay informed and up to date by following us on X, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Also, don’t forget to subscribe our channel on YouTube.

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