Month: July 2024


Is the UK Losing Top Scientists Due to High Visa Costs?

The United Kingdom, renowned for its rich scientific heritage and innovative research institutions, is facing a pressing challenge: high visa costs that are driving away top-tier researchers. As global competition for scientific talent intensifies, the UK’s visa fee has become a significant deterrent, hindering the country’s ability to attract and retain world-leading researchers. Compared to other leading scientific nations like the US, Japan, Australia, and Germany, the UK’s visa fee acts as a substantial obstacle, making it difficult to attract top-tier talent.

Is the UK Losing Top Scientists Due to High Visa Costs? Read More »

Sponsor Licence Suspensions and Revocations on the Rise: Key Insights for UK Businesses

A sponsor licence is crucial for UK businesses looking to hire overseas employees under the Skilled Worker route. However, recent trends reveal a significant increase in suspension and revocation of licences by the Home Office. Recent statistics released by UKVI indicate that from January 2024 to March 2024, a total of 210 sponsor licences were revoked, with an additional 309 licences being suspended during the same period. This data indicates the highest number of suspensions in nearly a decade.

Sponsor Licence Suspensions and Revocations on the Rise: Key Insights for UK Businesses Read More »

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